Did you ever in your life feel that you would be living your life for the sake of making a sale? Actually using your last quarter's sales as a yardstick to measure your self-worth. You wouldn't even take for free the shit you sell... You find yourself in front of a reflection, you look at yourself - you dress the part of a salesman, you cut your hair short and shave each day. You practice your smile in front of mirrors; you haven’t even truly recognized yourself smiling back at you in years. Each week you have your one on one meetings with these kids who are 1/2 your age with even less intelligence - or at least you try to convince yourself that, that is true. You know you are better and would do a better job than them but then you question whether you would even want it. You don't. You want the money but you don't want to have to play the game of late nights, drinks on the house and brown-nosing. I hated this business and I hated these people - so why was I devoting all my time and life to this business? To make some money? Couldn’t there be a better way?