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Hatred breeds self inflicted ignorance - when you hate so much you begin to believe the falsehoods that float around like shit in the toilet. Jerusalem is the Capital of all Jewish People - The Jewish people have opened up the temples for all religions and secure them with Jewish soldiers. Jewish doctors tend to all religions, races - any living being never biased. Judaism is based on Love - making this world a better place - caring for the inhabitants regardless of political or ideological beliefs. To all those who scream "Palestinian Refugees" or "Palestinian Poverty, starvation" all pointing their fingers at Israel...look around Israel and see the 7 richest countries inhabited by billionaire Muslims... To all those who scream "Apartheid!" Walk through Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Eilat, Etc and see the Muslims working, drinking coffee and sitting on the beach - not being threatened by the Jewish Soldiers. We, the Jewish people, believe in protecting ourselves, our homes and our country - we are guilty of self-defense. We, the Jewish people, believe in educating ourselves to invent ways for the world to be a better, easier place to live. Cancer drugs invented in Israel have saved lives, AIDS drugs, a cure for Paralysis...seedless watermelons. Among countless other Jewish inventions, Made in Israel. While the "Palestinians" dig tunnels the length of 5th Ave to try and infiltrate and kill as many Jews as possible. Their whole life, religious ideology is killing the infidels - I tend to believe that not all Muslims feel this way - or maybe I hope to believe they do not. If you want to point your fingers at the problems in Israel - read into it, visit there and have a look for yourselves. Do not believe me, do not believe the press - if you want to protest and shake your fists in anger at the state of Israel - let go of the ignorance and educate yourself. You want to boycott Israel or run around college campuses with Anti-Israel rhetoric - fine! But don't do so if you have not experienced Israel or the Israeli people for yourself. So for all the Oscar nominees who have been given the opportu
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