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Sunday, March 31, 2019
Too all who think my writing reflects my current state of mind. It's all fiction or poetry. Not meant to reflect anything other than a fleeting moment, a song heard, a scene witnessed or a memory returned. Please remember I am a writer. It is fiction! If you want to know about my true feelings, ask. All my writings are copyright 2019 ftrain publications, LLC. #keepwriting #writingpoetry #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop #Freddyzalta #fictionInstagram
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Saturday, March 30, 2019
Did you truly want to help or were you simply looking for a pound of my flesh? I don't believe you and I know you smile and embrace but you truly want to destroy me and take my place. You can never destroy me, can never replace me, I am true. Nothing about you is real or sincere. You will fall and crack, then all the stuff inside of you will melt away and you will be forgotten. If one truly believes in a higher power or a greater good, it is not you. You just want adulation, you just want to be prayed to, but the devil has few worshippers and they end up charred and alone. I see through your silicone acts of kindness, you just want to be seen. I see through you, you are transparent. The fire within you is not an eternal flame. You have killed so many and have caused so much shame. You may feel you are my owner but I can never be owned. I will smile because you still have these chains on me, but one day I will shake them loose, look you in the eye, laugh and say goodbye. #poetsofinsta #writersofinstagrampoetry #poemsociety #freddyzalta #poetrygroup #writersclub #artofpoets #poemsoftheday #artandcultureglobal #poetrycommunity #cafewriting #regret #ownednomoreInstagram
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Thursday, March 28, 2019
An old photograph, song or an aroma can bring back a sense of love, desire or romance to an empty deserted road once filled with laughter and inspired thousands of tales. It’s now littered with knocked down homes, abandoned vehicles, stray dogs, alley cats and squirrels who wander the streets in search of crumbs or what may have fallen on the ground… The ground we once walked upon and truly felt was a paradise; just up the stairs and a left into my room – where poetry was read, candles lit and love was made. We watched the record spinning and the needle gently caressing the vinyl; the sounds that came from that touch was magical. Magical voices, pulsating, the sound of the bass and the grind – magically bring a sense of oneness to millions of souls. #verse #musings #love #instaverse #writer #author #publicfigure #freddyzalta #poetry #bobdylan #johnlennon #vinylInstagram
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Shadows, Sundance, sparkles and comets. Lightening, thunder and heart beating way too fast. Love is shocking and is all of the above and even more down below. A quick glance two lives forever changed, forever chained soul to soul. Can life truly change so quickly? Darkness to brightness, blinding sunlight and heated entanglements. It's the stuff that love is filled with. No feathers soft stuff this love, more like constant emotional earthquakes, avalanches and deafening silences. Nothing better in this life than the lovequakes, when she shudders and you feel a strength in her you never knew existed. It's like an Earth shattering, space darkening apocalypse when the door closes, but it will open again. Once the ashes have blown away and the smokestack is cleared. Love will find a way. Bright orange light, appearing through the mountains just up across the water. Hold my hand, we'll ride this wind through the chambers where life is pulsating, thrusting and peaceful forever. #keepwriting #writingpoetry #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop #writersofinstagrampoetry #poetsociety #poetrygroup #writersclub #artoflove #poemsoftheday #spilledpoetry #poetrycommunity #freddyzaltaInstagram
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
He once played piano, she once danced ballet. He once painted a masterpiece and she once sang on stage. With dreams of gentle tomorrow's, filled with happiness and no more sorrow. Something happened on the road to paradise. She once road horses, he once wrote stories, she once scaled mountains, he once sailed the open seas. With hopes of a fantasy life where love and dreams are always true. Something happened on the road to paradise. Dark platform, waiting for that train. To bring us once again to a better world, where no words are needed to be explained. Where the sun and moon know their places and the rivers and oceans are never tamed. Where the animals run freely and love is never insane. She once dreamed of white picket fences, he once read stories of magic and lifelong romances. Life isn't always one emotion, life has so many commotions, do not walk gently into the river, always jump soundly into the ocean and belly flop into the pool. #poetsofinsta #writersofinstagrampoetry #poemsociety #evepoetry #poetrygroup #writersclub#artofpoets #poemsoftheday #poetrycommunity #cafewriting #cafedailyprompts #keepwriting #writingpoetry #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop #freddyzaltaInstagram
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Music and all those Sounds
An old photograph, song or an aroma can bring back a sense of love, desire or romance to an empty deserted road once filled with laughter and inspired thousands of tales. It's now littered with knocked down homes, abandoned vehicles, stray dogs, alley cats and squirrels who wander the streets in search of crumbs or what may have fallen on the ground...
2019 at 04:13PM,
abadoned love,
Freddy Zalta,
March 27,
Some Poetry,
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
They said to follow that yellow brick road, they told me I would find the way, the way back home. I closed my eyes, I awoke inside a field of dreams. They said to follow that yellow brick road, to find my way, to find my way back home. But the colors have faded and I am in a maze of black and white. I close my eyes and find myself in a deep sleep, in a room of silence and old forgotten tunes. Goodbye, yellow brick road, I must find another way. Another way back home. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #goodbye #yellowbrickroadInstagram
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This is from @therealhadassa who posted that video of her teaching her daughter to not panic. Truly inspirational. So the little story I shared with you guys exploded overnight, and people have reacted in many many ways to the video. they have complemented my mothering skills, and they shouldn’t cause I have no idea what I’m doing. They have sent me prayers and warm thoughts, and that has meant more than anyone can ever imagine. And they’ve expressed anger, anger for all of us who have to deal with the weather forecast predicting rockets, and more of our Israeli young men being sent over the border. I want to tell you all that I don’t feel anger. I don’t even feel angry towards Hamas, because I see them as a tantruming two-year-old who has some tin rockets, that stand no chance against my God‘s protection and my armies intelligence. I feel angry when things don’t go my way and I have no control. Last night and in the coming days, I have all of the control in the world. I have a clear mind, and a calm daughter. If we have to head to a shelter I want to promise her one thing. there will be no panic, there will be no fear. There will definitely be no anger. The video right now is here to show the Jewish world our humanity, and the psychological complexity of navigating my today with a two-year-old daughter. I want to raise awareness in the Jewish community so you really understand what it’s like. I’m not fearing for my daughters life right now, I’m fearing for a trauma I never want her to develop. I think that often the Jewish people don’t realize what our other brothers and sisters are going through. I’m just trying to create an awareness to what it’s like being a Jew in southern Israel right now. I would so love it if you were translate that into compassion and caring for your Jewish people. Please don’t translate it into anger and hate. That’s Hamas that’s not us. We are the people who protect our children and our own before ourselves. We don’t use hate or anger, that is their poison. Ours is love and acceptance feeling the other Jew as if they were ourselves. Thank you again for every single message. And Here’s to Shalom in the holy land.Instagram
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Monday, March 25, 2019
Writing is frustration - it's daily frustration, not to mention humiliation. It's just like baseball: you fail two-thirds of the time. Philip Roth #philiproth #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Monday morning and there are shadows being painted onto the walls. Ghosts who's spirits shall never leave, imprisoned upon this wall forever. To watch, but never act. To exist but to never live. To see but to never express the life they watch passing by like a stone to a passing river. Their only ability is to watch. As the children run past, as the lovers pose for a photo, as grown ups rush on past too imprisoned themselves to stop and see. Monday morning, lately it's just like every other morning. Watch the shadows slip off the wall and fly away. Fly away. #keepwriting #writingpoetry #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop#remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Sunday, March 24, 2019
Who Catches the Tears?
But where do the tears fall? Do they fall on the ground to simply dry up and to be forgotten? Where do the ones who cry run when the tears just cannot stop from welling up within their souls, into their hearts, into their minds out through their eyes and then onto the ground, left to be absorbed into the dirt, forgotten.
2019 at 05:44PM,
Essays and Commentaries,
Freddy Zalta,
March 24,
Who gathers the tears, that have fallen? Who counts the times the loved ones have cried? Who measures the suffering felt by the ones left behind? We hear about terrorist attacks and the innocent lives that are stolen. We read about them and their lives and how their families valued each one of them. But what happens after the headlines are replaced, the words no longer written to honor the ones taken away? Where does the family go to cry? Who counts the tears that fall from their eyes, in the dark, in the light? After the headlines, after the stories and after the letters stop coming, who dries the tears of the ones left behind? #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #terror #istandwithisraelInstagram
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Runon sentence and message... Even when the darkness seems overwhelming, look and you will find a ray of light to remind you to believe and to never lose hope. Fz #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Friday, March 22, 2019
New post on blog Lost words, fallen bridges, echoes of songs once sung long ago. Answers seldom answer, all the questions thrust at us, by us, for us. Just as morning’s light cannot always erase the criminality of the preceding evening’s darkness. Blood on the newly blossomed bulbs spark excitement and investigations. Fallen leaves, falling snow precipitates the postponement of the upcoming spring...we wait forever to arrive. Warm breezes cannot always warm the coldest hearts surrounding us, within us, pounding just for us. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Answers are not always the Answer
Promised happy endings with palaces and dancing to the classical music played by an orchestra. Orchestrated by the authors who plant the seeds of impossible realities in a world where dreams rarely are born as once imagined.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
As I wake up before the sunrise to tap the keys on my Chromebook, I see myself as a gentleman in a salon, dressed up and handsome. Then I stand up and see my reflection in the mirror. Messed up hair, hoodie, glasses and wondering if I am wasting my time to create what no one will read? I then walk past the mirror and envision myself as I want to be. A man on a mission to finish this novella before it's too late. I feel guilty if I do other things rather than work on this story. But I need to clear my head so I do. So I give myself permission. I also write poems and essays and post them on my Blog and social media. This gives me some desperately reactions. Being a writer is like singing to an empty arena and wanting a response from a non existent audience. That's ok because truly you write because you want to and need to. So you'll stand on that stage in isolation and create worlds that are born within your mind. People and conversations that have never existed or taken place. It's all in your control as you type the story, you are the creator of these mini worlds. In a hoodie, unshaven, glasses and in need of a shower. *Photo by Granger #keepwriting #writing #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #authorInstagram
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Warm breezes cannot always warm the coldest hearts surrounding us, within us, pounding just for us. Forever can be far too short in a world where speed is a gust of scents and odors which wake up our senses into believing that the aroma is uniquely for ourselves. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Is there anything quite like laughter? Not laughter brought on by stress, or something you hear on TV or the radio. I'm talking about laughter that happens between two people. It could be simply sitting down outside watching is the day slowly turns to night. Somebody would walk by which would bring on a set of giggles which with them morph to wild laughter. No true reason what is laughter other than a comfort level with the other person. They have shared your laughs oh, they have shared your tears been there for your highs and been there for your lows. Just as you have been there for them. It's a sense of camaraderie that blood does not always create but it is creative my loyalty and true friendship. So you'll stand there and laugh and laugh and laugh not caring but who's seeing you hearing you or laughing at you. That is true friendship. Tag that person who you share this type of relationship with let them know how much you appreciate them. #writersofinstagrampoetry #poemsociety #writersclubtartofpoets #poemsoftheday #spilledpoetry #artandcultureglobal #poetrycommunity #cafewriting #cafedailyprompts #keepwriting writingpoetry writinggoals #writingabook writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop #friendshipInstagram
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Someone said that happiness is all in your mind. I responded that he was obviously simple minded or oblivious to the pain that people go through. He said I should stop being dramatic. I told him, you want me to be passive or stoic? I live, I feel, I grieve, I laugh, I empathize, I sympathize, I constantly look around me and feel the world that surrounds me. I see the beauty and I see the ugly, thankfully the beauty way overwhelms the ugly and for that I am grateful. But sometimes, sometimes no matter how much beauty is out there it's just too dark for it to be seen. So I cover my eyes and I remember. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #writerslife #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #instagramchoices #choicesInstagram
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Monday, March 18, 2019
There are moments, perhaps seconds in lifetimes that can effect someone's forever. Choose wisely, your words, responses and decisions. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #writerslife #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #instagramchoices #choicesInstagram
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Express yourself as only you know how to. Don't listen to anyone who tries to knock you down. They obviously have no clue who you are or are unhappy with who they have become. Be true to you.
He once played piano, she once danced ballet. He once painted a masterpiece and she once sang on stage. With dreams of gentle tomorrow's, filled with happiness and no more sorrow. Something happened on the road to paradise. She once road horses, he once wrote stories, she once scaled mountains, he once sailed the open seas. With hopes of a fantasy lifetime where love and dreams always come true. Something happened on the road to paradise. Dark platform, waiting for that train. To bring us once again to a better world, where no words are needed to be explained. Where the sun and Moon know their places and the rivers and oceans are never tamed. Where the animals run freely and love is never insane. She once dreamed of white picket fences, he once read stories of magic and lifelong romances. Life isn't always one emotion, life has so many commotions, walk gently into the river, jump soundly into the ocean. It's meant to be lived. Life is meant to be lived. Even as you stand waiting in the station, when the rain is falling and the wind is blowing hard. Life is meant to be lived, life is meant to be love, life is meant to heal and break your heart. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. Ella Fitzgerald The key to this is knowing what you really want to do. That is the most difficult realization to come to for most people. Some people know from when they are children that they want to be a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher. For most of us it doesn't come as easy. So we live and we try to learn what it is that makes us happiest. I know that I love helping people and that my strong talent is the ability to put into words whatever message I am looking to communicate. Unfortunately I have yet to find a way to make a living as an author or as a people helper, so I try and incorporate these two loves into whatever work I am doing and into the way I live my life. So, according to Ms. Fitzgerald, I am not giving up and I am continuing to do what I love to do. Doing what you love to do doesn't always mean doing that exclusively. It means incorporating those loves into whatever life you are living. As long as you live your life true to yourself, you never have to give up your dreams. They will always be a part of who you need to be. A part of how you need to express yourself, your true self. So if you are an actor but work nine to five in a grocery store, find a way to act within that time frame or even after hours. If you are a singer, sing! If you are a writer, write! If you are a painter, paint! Express yourself as only you know how to. Don't listen to anyone who tries to knock you down. They obviously have no clue who you are or are unhappy with who they have become. Be true to you #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #dream #live #doInstagram
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Belief in life's ability to redeem itself is tantamount to survival. Do you want to merely survive or do you want to live your best life? There are ups and downs, some ups can be truly uplifting and some down can be debilitating. The in betweens are up to you. I am in a down period but I am finding ways to make it through. Always look around you and find love, always find reasons to smile and always feel a deep desire to thrive. We can do it. If you need help please DM me, I am always here for you. I took the picture of the bicycle and edited it to make it seem like it had personality. I like it. #embraceyourself #embraceothers #embracelife #embracelove #embracetime #embracelaughterInstagram
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Friday, March 15, 2019
In the faded colors of a postcard from long ago, I could see shadows cast across the colors which are faded just as my memory of our love. We remember the colors of the leaves as bright shiny and alive. We forget at the colors came about by the dying of the leaves. As I walk through the garden, the colors do not seem as bright as I once dream them to be. As I breathe in the aroma, the scent is not how I once dreamed it to be. When you saw me last night you smiled. A smile that once broke my heart, a smile who's beauty, to me, has faded like the beauty of the leaves that once fell upon the streets. We say goodbye, but a piece of us, will never truly be apart. Time is constant and love is forever, even when it fades away. So I'll dream of your kisses, our arms locked forever in an embrace. Your eyes filled with tears of love and your voice speaking to me softly. "Forever" has a different meaning than we once believed. But the emotionally charged love we once, if only briefly shared, will never fade away. So I'll see you in the shadows of the moonlight and in the loose petals strewn on the ground. I'll smile and the memory of our lost love, will be found. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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If people were shocked and disturbed by the Pittsburgh murders you should be equally shocked and disturbed by what has occurred in Christchurch. The killings of innocent people should never be taken lightly. Life is Life. Life must be valued and embraced. People's rejection of others should not be motivation for these senseless murders. It's terrible, painful and scary that people with no value of life are out there filled with hatred. It begins with an ideology of racist comments at home. It extends to school and then a sense of comraderie among others. Hatred is unifier much more powerful than love. Teach acceptance, tolerance and respect of others who are different. Though they may be ideologically different, in the end, they, just like us are made of flesh and blood and at one time in their lives, they were infants just like those children in your lives. Spread love or acceptance. Please. #Christchurch #love #acceptance #valuelife #teachInstagram
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Thursday, March 14, 2019
I'll remember you when the wind blows and the shadows from the branches dance wildly on the wall I'll remember you when the winter finally ends and the umpire cries, "play ball" When the aroma of spring fills the air, when the sounds of music blare, when the red dye has fallen from my hair... I'll remember you. When the days are long, the night is alive and the scent of mystic river has overwhelmed this small town. When the horses run free and the cowboys drive trucks... I'll remember you and your jean jacket and pullups. Stay golden baby, stay golden for true. Don't live for me, don't live for them, live out loud for you. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019
There is a wall, what remains of an old Castle from a time past, in the same city where I was born. Beyond the wall, is a world set aflame by misunderstood and distorted facts. There was once a yellow brick road, all we needed to do was follow it home. We were distracted, we were frightened by the possibility of a life lived within a circle of repetitiveness. So we took the side streets and the dark alleys, met some friends and strangers along the way. Lately the lights have gone dark and the moon is eclipsed. The sun is dimmer and the cold wind continues to blow. No way home. No way back. The road is closed and all the yellow is black. No more yellow brick road, no more city to digest upon. Just a dirt road with pebbles and stones. Pebbles and stones. And a wall where we once changed our mind. Changed our life. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Monday, March 11, 2019
It disappears and then reappears. It's black and then it's white. You know the rest? It's up and then it's down, it ebbs and then it flows. Rain, then sun shine. It's the circle of life. Embrace it, accept it and appreciate it. #remember #love #embraceyourself #circleoflife #anxiety #instapoets #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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Friday, March 08, 2019
Tom Seaver – my childhood Hero
In truth, it was baseball we wanted to watch. But the reason I became such a big fan was because of Seaver. We would run to watch as Seaver would stand on the mound, squint his eyes and concentrate on the signals given by his catcher, Jerry Grote of what pitch to throw.
I may not be a woman, but I would not be the man I am today without all the women in my life. The women within my world have always empowered me to try harder, improve constantly and to treat each and every person equally. Today and every day of my life, I believe in the power of women. Today and every day of my life, I champion for giving the most qualified person; regardless of sex, color or any beliefs; the job. Stop giving people opportunities simply because of their sex, race or religion. When we do that it dilutes the importance of true equality. Happy international women's day! May we live in a world where every day is international equality day without having to commemorate it. #internationalwomensday #women #woman #mother #daughter #girlsInstagram
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Thursday, March 07, 2019
He stumbles his way back home, step by step, always with his cane. He remembers the times when no one could put out his flame. But the cold winds and the rain have made it almost an impossibility. It's too cold or damp for any sense of sunshine or fires here. No moonshine in this jug, just some stale water and hint of old man Walton's favorite blend. He stumbles his way, back to the time when he was the man, the quarterback, the star of everything he touched. So many years ago, is there anyone still here who can testify? It's just words, just memories, just scenes from another old movie. He stumbles, fumbles for his keys... Home. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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There is a river and there is a pathway that leads somewhere. There is a pathway filled with fire like liquid, lava yet it does not burn. A mirage of danger to keep us from traveling somewhere. No boat is needed, just the right amount of brevity to face the danger, that in reality, does not exist. Take this river, cross into that fire and you will find a garden of paradise exists within the confines of false danger and unfounded fear. #faceyourfears #anxiety #fear #mentalhealthawareness #courage #nopanic #trustyourself #embracelife #poetry #writerscommunityInstagram
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Six years ago today I went to see the doctor because I was convinced I was getting an ulcer. Thankfully I have an intelligent and inquisitive doctor. He took one look at me and ran a couple of EKGs. He then sent me to the Maimonides Medical Center emergency room. I was given some tests and told I would need to have open heart surgery. I remember laying there and thinking, "God, take over because I cannot deal with this." I don't remember much from the night before the surgery. All I know is my surgeon postponed a weekend skiing trip with his grandchildren to operate on me that Friday. What I do remember is my wife following me as the orderly pulled me on the gurney or whatever they call it. She told me that the guys name was Hashem. We both laughed. Six years later I am thankful for each moment. Positive for each thrust of negativity that tried to knock me down and totally aware that I was spared for reasons I still have no f&$+ing clue on. It'll come to me... Love you all. Love you most, but you know that already. Happy rebirth day to me. *****Please see your doctor regularly to avoid being too late***** #heartsurgery #quadruplebypass #grateful #live42day #embracelife #embracelove #embrace #freddyzaltaInstagram
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Wednesday, March 06, 2019
Snow, dusting at best. Metal, rusting, time for some rest. Been in the ring for too long, got to get don't rest. Been in the ring for way too long, got to get some rest. Sun, setting at dawn. Man running trying to live on and on. But I've been in the ring too long, got to get some rest. Been in the ring way too long... #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #poems #poetry #freddyzalta #tired #communityofwritersInstagram
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Through the melting snow, an avalanche of emotions, falll upon me and send me into an ocean of confusion. Countless decisions to be made. Answers are drowning or are nowhere to be found. Questions are abounding and I feel at one with the ground. Through the melting snow, an avalanche of emotions. Love has no currency when it's pride that you seek. Still you hear the whispers, the words he would always speak. Anything is possible, anything is possible. #depression #love #fears #mentalhealthawareness #poetryisnotdead #madewords #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #globalpoetcult #poeticjustice #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #bymepoetry #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #freddyzalta #wordporn #poetryporn #poemspornInstagram
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Tuesday, March 05, 2019
I remember your red hat, how you pulled it on and your blonde hair peeked below the rim. Your eyes seemed to always be reflecting a sharp burst of light. Your nose was a bit small and your lips painted in some hue of pink. Your neck was long and always had that distinct taste of perfume and that sweet aroma to match. But it was your eyes… They told me what I needed to know about truth, love, life and our times alone. Your eyes… brown and filled with wonder. A sense of beauty that can never truly be described and can never truly be understood. But I did. I do. I remember. #remember #love #poetryisnotdead #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagramInstagram
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At a distance of 37,600 km from Earth, #Beresheet’s selfie camera took a picture of #Earth. Australia can be clearly seen! This photo was taken during a slow spin of the #spacecraft & for the first time see the #Israeli flag 🇮🇱 & text, "am yisrael chai." #IsraelToTheMoon #SpaceIL #istandwithisrael #amyisraelchai #moon #istandwithhumanityInstagram
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In the not so far distance I can see. I can see a portrait of scene from another lifetime. I wish I could fly, or travel through time... Rumbling sound of a train arriving... #depression #love #fears #mentalhealthawareness #poetryisnotdead #madewords #spilledwords #abuse #anxiety #globalpoetcult #poeticjustice #instapoetry #instapoets #instapoem #igpoet #igpoetry #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #freddyzalta tpoetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #quote #wordporn #poetryporn #poemspornInstagram
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Monday, March 04, 2019
It’s Complicated (Anything is Possible)
Suddenly a piano begins to play and the brick walls are broken down, across the bridge you can see the past and all the visions they once held, now they are complicated memories and there is confusion among the inhabitants of this old broken down structure.
In the whispers heard, as you walked down the hall. A whimper, a sound of a human being broken, a door slammed. Throughout the night the man touched and prodded the little girl. Time to put an end to this in this world. When you hear the sounds of a Human being broken, don't turn away, don't ignore the whispers, the tears or the sounds of breaking glass. There is no excuse for a child touched, no room for forgiveness when it's more than once. No matter how painful it is to reveal, he must be stopped. Open the doors that have been slammed, unlock the windows and lift up the shades. Do not forgive for the plurality of the act, it must be punished, it must be stopped. For every adult who protects an abuser, for any reason at all. They become complicit and should be punished for all the future victims. *****Written after I learned of sexual abuse of two sisters by one family member. Ignored by the family of the abused.*****Instagram
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It's a tapestry. A kind of poem with words that shouldn't rhyme yet somehow finds a way to band together to create a lyric so sweet. A sort of anthem for life itself. Sometimes it seems nothing in life makes sense, then, suddenly it all somehow begins to rhyme, to make sense. The answers are all within you, you don't need anyone to tell them to you. Look within and the answers to the impossible will reveal themselves. #empowereachother #respecteachother #selfempowerment #selfrespect #love #live #breatheInstagram
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From March 4, 2016 Shabbat shalom don't forget to appreciate each gift in your lives. Whistle, sing and walk funny. Be true to yourselves and jump out of your safety zone. Hold a hand, give a hug and take a longer time to do the things you love. Taste your food, Taste your drink take a deep breath and feel the healing. Life is too short to rush through it. #live42day #laugh #love #selflove #writingcommunity #writinglife #empowerothers #embrace #empowereachotherInstagram
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Sunday, March 03, 2019
In the sky, in sense the presence of a silent flight. Towards the stars and the planets so far away and alive. Distant civilizations, different or the same? We have no idea, we have no idea. Yet there is constant speculation, constant condemnation towards the unknown. God is defined in infinite ways, most are concerned with love and keeping a tight bond and peace. Accept the differences Agree to disagree You don't have to like but you should never truly hate. I am guilty, I have always been. But I am trying and I always will be. #freddyzalta #livetogether #acceptance #trueinnerpeace #truthInstagram
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Friday, March 01, 2019
It's a short walk across the bridge, a bridge which spans across a river. The river is wild, white caps and rocks, hidden falls and sudden rises. Tree limbs rudely spreading across the banks, waiting for it's next victim to try and pass on by. It's a hard high climb to get to the top, to walk across and see for yourself if it's a myth, or a truth. Tonight my heart is broken, I feel my mind is asleep, no words left to be spoken and the tears have all run dry. Tomorrow is a new day, the climb up the steep mountainside, won't be simple but neither will be sitting in a room alone save for the ghosts who are dueling within my mind. Turn on the record player, lay down the needle and listen to the crackling through the speaker's. Suddenly a piano begins to play and the brick walls are broken down, across the bridge you can see the past and all the visions they once held, now they are complicated memories and there is confusion among the inhabitants of this old broken down structure. The preacher stands upon an empty crate and screams in a sing songy twang. “It's all within you. Life will always continue no matter who comes and goes. Bring smiles and love, only love and cheer can heal this broken world. It's a beautiful world with billions of heroes, the heroism is what the stuff of the day to day is made of. Look within the living and you will find unsung heroes. Treasure them, embrace them and have respect for them. They are you. They are God.” In the distance there is a musical caravan of former circus performers. The accordion, the oboes and the lyres. The voices of angelic life pounding through the thick air, bringing bright light into this dark town. “Love each other, love conquers all." ©FtrainPublications 2019 #writerscommunity #authors #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #textposts #writersofbrooklyn #wordstoliveby #poetry #bleedink #art #poeticlife #writinglife #poetryisart #collaboration #freddyzaltaInstagram
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