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There used to be a Blockbuster video store here.(pictured) Every Friday with my brother Carlos we would go to rent a couple of movies. I usually listened to his taste in movies to rent, we had the same taste. Could be because I usually followed his lead in most things. This place would be packed with everyone we knew. It was another one of those places like Oscars, the schoolyard and other gathering spots where we met friends, made plans or showed off in front of the ones we wanted to impress. No cell phones, no electronic distractions, just face to face. For better or worse. I love progress. I love how technological, medicinal and communication enhancements have given us the opportunities to make the world a better place. So I am not rejecting any of that, as I communicate this long winded attempt to express my current mood on my Galaxy S10. I think it could be I am missing that age where our responsibilities were minimal. We had no clue back then, we thought we carried the weight of the world on our shoulders. There were times we were in wonder about life, but we tried not to let on, keeping our poker faces on so as not reveal our mortality. But make no mistake a those were wonder years for us, we were growing and in wonder of the world we were entering. Forging ahead through the closed doors, the road blocks and the "wrong way signs." (How did they know we were going the wrong way?) I am nostalgic, that's what my buddy @rayday says. He's right. I guess that's the Freddy in me. But I feel that it's more than nostalgia. I think it's more awe and surprise that so much time has passed that mentally I still feel that I have not aged. But the mirrors and my body reminds me, there are less days ahead for me than what has already passed. We all need to make the most of each and every moment. Throw away grudges and insecurities. Be true to who you are. Stop pretending. So many places and faces have come and gone too quickly. We are running out of time. Hurry up and live.Instagram
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