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Me and @docgooden what an honor to meet a man who has overcome his demons and looks great. I have so many memories of him on the field as a NY Met. Number 16 owned New York during the 1980s. Unfortunately he had to go through a path that was painful for him and his loved ones. We don't know why some people have to go through thick darkness in their lives. Maybe for Mr Gooden leading by example is his path to the Hall of Fame where his name and number will forever be etched in stone. The Doc is standing tall and seemingly free from the demons that sent him off course. Thank you for being gracious today! #docgooden #mets #16 #mets #baseball #dwightgooden #mlb #nymets #newyork #newyorkmets #sheastadium #80s #majorleaguebaseball #pitcher #docgoodenInstagram
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