Tuesday, September 12, 2017

River Afire

A dream, a memory, a song, a dance, a bedtime story from her childhood or perhaps a prayer from her Sunday morning prayers in the church across from this crazy river. It was on one of those Sunday mornings when Agee took her by her hand and led her to the clover patch by the lake - on the Catalina side - gave her fodder for confessions. Agee moved away the next day to the West Coast and that was fine with her. He was a simple guilty pleasure and a gentle guide through the gates of innocence. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Man of Contradictions

I live my life one step at a time, taking care to enjoy each vision, each caress...yet I fret about tomorrow three days ago.  Look at me, you can never read my emotions by my smile.  Look at me, can you read my emotions in my eyes? I am leaping for joy - crying at times in the dark - loving all around me - yet lonely at the same time.  I love myself for the person I am - yet I chide myself for not feeling the ultimate freedom of living freely. Freedom of living free - I like that yet I question the logic of the wordplay.