Friday, April 27, 2018
Tales From the f train – Just your Typical Commute
Thankfully the train rolled into the station. Of course no one even acknowledged the now naked man. I just waved and said, "Have a good day." He nodded his head and whispered to himself. "Fat man is crazy."
2018 at 03:00PM,
April 27,
naked man,
The Circular Dash
We all possess the power to change the world at any given moment. From the little child to the oldest of human beings - we all have the power. You can spend life going round and round in a circular dash; or you can use the power you have been give and choose a path you want to explore. Specifically, what is you ultimate goal in life? What are you striving for? When the day comes and the end jumps out at you - will you be able to say to yourself that you lived the way you chose to live?
2018 at 04:40PM,
April 25,
circular dash,
Freddy Zalta,
Tales from the F train just your typical commute Read was Third, I stood up for a pregnant woman who asked me why I was standing up for her. Yes…I did it again. Shakespeare had no clue when he wrote, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I am here to tell you being scorned has nothing on me. “I am giving you the courtesy because you are pregnant while I am simply overweight.” I laughed. Hell hath no fury when telling a woman she looks pregnant when she is not. Her eyes spat out fire balls and her lips mouthed out curse words I haven’t heard since 1974. Needless to say I got off the at the next stop to avoid her balls of fire. #ftrain #mta #nyc #commute #tgifInstagram
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
He looks at me, smiles and says, “It's a circular dash, kid.” We all possess the power to change the world at any given moment. From the little child to the oldest of human beings - we all have the power. You can spend life going round and round in a circular dash; or you can use the power you have been give and choose a path you want to explore. Specifically, what is you ultimate goal in life? What are you striving for? When the day comes and the end jumps out at you - will you be able to say to yourself that you lived the way you chose to live? We get caught up in these rat races, extra innings of badgering and hitting brick walls, self-doubt and uncertainty. We feel disempowered by reality and all the things we can never have or acheive. So much so that we forget just how much we do have. Why don't we ever look around and feel empowered for all that we have achieved? Is it because we have lived our lives based on other people’s belief systems? Is it because while time and life was passing us by we chose the path of the masses? By shirking off our individuality we are shirking off any sense of self accomplishment and we will find ourselves in some dark places. #picoftheday #essayoftheweek #live #love #gratitude Read more
Monday, April 23, 2018
Temperature is falling, slowly from around 64 through the 50s and expected to fall as low as 42. The sun is still shining but there is a heavy breeze blowing and the clouds are beginning to congregate above the little city called New York. I was born here, I’ll probably die here, I just hope I am able to live here, in between. The bridges are hidden in the misty fog, as the horns blow and the traffic comes to a stop. Five hours until the midnight hour, when the moon will be gliding across the night sky, as it readies for a long goodbye. Five hours until time will be forgotten and all will be forgiven and the clocks will no longer exist. The sun is gone forever, as the night will come to a close, say goodbye to the Good Earth, say goodbye to the historical beauty, say goodbye to the future we could have shared. Say goodbye to the loneliness we created and craved, say goodbye to the walls who were once our only friends. If God is just a concept, to keep us from decaying in the ground, than the ending is forever and no more stories will be found. Old man sitting on porch, a older guitar in his grasp. Lemonade to his left and his woman to his right. Goodnight. Good night good night, sweet rock n roll poet, good night to all those rhymes. Car speeding down the highway, motorcycle right behind. Love is all you need, don’t be fooled. Love is forever just like that shivering moon. Even when you think it’s gone it’s always around and can always be found, before and after the midnight hour. When the cold wind blows and there is no one home to care. Close your eyes and dream, it will always be there. In your thoughts, in your minds and in your dreams. #poemoftheday #newyork #picoftheday
Five hours until Midnight (good night)
I was born here, I'll probably die here, I just hope I am able to live here, in between. The bridges are hidden in the misty fog, as the horns blow and the traffic comes to a stop.
Thursday, April 19, 2018 The fourth of July (do you remember) by fz We held each others hand as we walked through the woods. We stopped and tasted the blueberries and the raspberries. We walked upon the fallen branches, through the bushes and into the mud and the tamed uncut grass. We sucked from the honeysuckles, plucked the apples from the trees and bit in without any fear. You would place your head on my lap as we sat silently or singing "Thunder Road," or Billy Joel songs. We sat at night beneath the stars - felt the summer biting us as the campfire provided a sense of comfort, as sense of home. We lay side by side and we dreamed dreams together. Do you remember how we held hands as we ran through the thunderstorming rain. Do you remember that Fourth of July evening? I remember it as if it were just last week. We ran and we stopped under a tree which provided some shelter from the storming lightning and thunder. You said you were scared, so I held you close to me. Then our lips collided and we found ourselves in a whirlwind as our innocence was lost among the thorny bushes and beneath the ancient tree. We sat beneath that tree as the storm faded and a cool breeze began to clean the air. We walked towards the campfire but it was unlit, doused by the rain. We lay together on your cot, you wore my blue sweatshirt and kept your head close to my heart. Hikes close to the river, swimming in the lake and star filled evenings extending into the early August morning when we said our goodbyes. One more walk among the broken branches, the uncut grass and pushing our way through the bushes. Blueberries and raspberries plucked from the bushes and a cool breeze blowing in Autumn sending our summer away forever. Just a song, just a letter disguised as a poem to say hello and that I still think about you. I hope you are still plucking the apples from the trees and swimming in the lake; I hope you still walk in the thundering rain and marvel at the lightning. I hope your fire stays lit even through the rain. I hope you are still smiling and singing songs.Instagram
Fourth of July (Do you remember?)
Do you remember how we held hands as we ran through the thunderstorming rain. Do you remember that Fourth of July evening? I remember it as if it were just last week. We ran and we stopped under a tree which provided some shelter from the storming lightning and thunder. You said you were scared, so I held you close to me. Then our lips collided and we found ourselves in a whirlwind as our innocence was lost among the thorny bushes and beneath the ancient tree.
2018 at 04:15PM,
April 19,
Billy Joel,
fourth of july,
Freddy Zalta,
thunder road
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Set yourself free (or begin to live the true life) by Freddy S. Zalta Anxiety and depression are caused by our inability to accept our true selves. We try and be the person we feel everyone wants us to be. We do this as a need to be loved, accepted and admired. But none of that matters if we do not love, accept and admire ourselves first. Read more
Monday, April 16, 2018
A short story I wrote inspired by a #bobdylan song, "Just like Tom Thumbs Blues" Click here I started out on burgundy but soon hit the harder stuff Everybody said they'd stand behind me when the game got rough But the joke was on me, there was nobody even there to bluff I'm going back to New York City, I do believe I've had enough Songwriters: Bob DylanInstagram
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Friday, April 13, 2018
My short story has been published in this week's Jewish Press. It's a condensed version but I am honored to be published by the paper my father used to read each week on Shabbat. For the full version let me know, email me or comment, and I can send it your way. In the meantime, buy this week's paper. #thejewishpress #clown #neverforget #loveInstagram
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Wrestlers of Morality
They congregate in hundred million dollar temples filled false piety, false gods and self-serving prayers. Hatred is a uniter for them - because hatred is a defensive response to fear and aren't we all scared about losing everything we have?
Wrestlers of Morality By Freddy Zalta They champion patriotism and adhere to the xenophobic priests and leaders. They stand at the pulpit and preach hatred. They point towards the weak, the hungry and condemn their place among the patriots of a soulless community. They are the wrestlers of morality – stealing any sense of dignity, clothing or shelter. These are the bottom feeders of society walking with a five thousand dollar suits and their names on the stalls in the restrooms, inside the cathedral of prejudice. They raise their voices – they shake their fists and the condemn immorality. They are the judges in a courtroom filled with sacrificial virgins, stolen or counterfeited dollar bills buy repentance and forgiveness. In this world you find yourself – lost. Lost in a body of water, on a rowboat in a storm, with no oars and no cover – gators all around and bloodsuckers just waiting for you to just try and swim to safety. They call you, “them” or “those people” and they blame you for the hurricanes and the snowfall. They congregate in hundred million dollar temples filled false piety, false gods and self-serving prayers. Hatred is a uniter for them – because hatred is a defensive response to fear and aren’t we all scared about losing everything we have? The wrestlers of morality treat other human beings as if they are products to be purchased, used and discarded. Imagine guests in your home are starving – do you send them out or do you offer them some kind of sustenance? Does it matter the color of their skin or the language they speak? Should it? There is no way to end this essay other than to hope that somehow, humanity will prevail. It must. #wednesday #morality #love #photolab
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Rainbow like a Scar
I should have been a healer, I feel I have broken way too many things over the years which can never be re-assembled. Puzzle pieces missing, scar on my chest and a gaping hole where I used to live.
2018 at 11:25AM,
April 10,
Freddy Zalta,
Monday, April 09, 2018
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Thursday, April 05, 2018
90 percent of the writings on this blog are written in one or two sittings. They are not the finished product but they are usually the core of a story which I expand off the blog. Writing takes a lot of work, for me it’s the editing and refining of the words. I have had […]
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Some of us still dream dreams of equality and peaceful coexistence. We still dream because we hope that dreams do come true. We pray for miracles because the hopes and dreams we once held firmly to, have slipped away into nightmares in a world consumed by inequality, hatred and senseless pain. We are tainted with those feelings of ignorant hatred, racist thoughts, although tucked away in the back of our minds, despite our best intentions to expunge them, still appear from time to time. We must teach our children to rise above the failures of the generations that have come before them. We must teach our children to judge each person for who they are as individuals not as a group. Don't love blindly for fear of hatred. Love with eyes wide open and do not fear love. There are good people and bad people in this world, people who want to knock others to the ground and others who wish to pick them up.The color or the beliefs of a person should not determine their guilt or innocence. There are the lost who have been cast away as failures, they must be given the opportunity to be educated and employed regardless of race, color or sex. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and he expressed that dream with eloquence and with peaceful demonstrations. He spoke with inspiration, passion and with words of peaceful fury. Too many years have gone by - too many lives have been wasted and lost. This world is a cesspool of hatred and violence. There are troubled minds we must learn to confront and to be understanding to the disease of isolation that plagues them. Each of us must take it one step at a time - acknowledge the differences and try to learn from each other. Life is filled with financial issues, mental and physical disabilities and natural disasters which no one can control. There are some things that we can control, one step at a time. Before you know it, you'll look up and be amazed of how far you have traveled and just how much better this world is because of the steps you took. #commentary #mlk #acceptanceistheanswer #picoftheday #zaltaInstagram
Dreams or One step at a Time
We are tainted with those feelings of ignorant hatred, racist thoughts, although tucked away in the back of our minds, despite our best intentions to expunge them, still appear from time to time.
2018 at 05:09PM,
April 04,
april 4,
Essays and Commentaries,
Freddy Zalta,
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
BUSTED! This photo that supposedly shows #Palestinian men protecting a girl from #IDF fire on the #Gaza border is staged: 1. Two are smiling. 2. They are not storming the fence = no danger. 3. Other guys are standing or resting nearby & aren't afraid of any danger. Via @ofirgendelman #Palestinianterror #terror #Hamas #prayforisraelInstagram
Monday, April 02, 2018
I remember buying this album from Crazy Eddie on Coney Island Avenue. At first I bought the cassette cuz I wanted to listen to it on my Walkman the album was released after the double album called The River, and right before his Megastar making Born in the USA. The group of songs are perhaps one of the most haunting and honest lyrics written by Bruce Springsteen. Lost jobs, unemployment, used cars, dreaming of mansions on the hill, driving all night just to make it his girl, reasons to believe. The whole album is all about people who are going through crazy or normal life situations. And it ends with a song saying how we all for some reason never give up hope that even the dead will rise, that the bride will come back to the room, and that somehow the truth will show its face and it won't be as large and as scary as it seemed. May we never lose our reasons to believe. #brucespringsteen #albumoftheday #nebraska #reasontobelieveInstagram
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