Sunday, February 20, 2011

Writing that Down

Writing it all Down – Part One

I have taken many writing classes in different schools, been given countless words of advice and criticism by countless readers and teachers. My favorite writing teacher was the one who told me to express myself the way I felt like expressing myself. "Don't worry about word choice as much when you are first writing down your feelings. You can always go back and edit and change things around. Just take the pen to the paper and let it bleed."

In giving a writing class the first lesson to be taught is individualization and visualization. In fact writing is all about the "-tions."

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, visualize where you want to be or what you want to express. Go to that location, become a fly on the wall and watch as the emotions begin to evolve into expressions. Then, report. Report the surroundings, the placement of the sun or the moon, what they characters were wearing, the tears that were welling up in their eyes as they smiled and expressed their feelings of…

We are all natural born reporters. We begin by reporting what our siblings did to their rooms. We report on the goings on in school and then the work place. We tell stories of friends, strangers, co-workers, family members and ourselves.

If we can report it – we can write it down.

To be continued.

Classes begin in March – email me for more information


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