Friday, April 05, 2019

Roads converging, splitting and then converging once again. Just as the tides ebb and flow, the further out you go the quicker you return. There is a beacon, a North Star, it's within you, wherever you may travel, it's always within you. It's your home, within you. Even as a stranger in a strange land, you are always at home, it's always within you. Don't fret, don't panic, wherever you go you always possess your safe place within you.. It is you. #poetsofinsta #writersofinstagrampoetry #poemsociety #poetrygroup #writersclub #artofpoets #poemsoftheday #openmicpoetry #artiscollab #artandcultureglobal #poetrycommunity #cafewriting #keepwriting #writingpoetry #writinggoals #writingabook #writingcommunityofinstagram #writingskills #writingworkshop #Freddyzalta #homeInstagram

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