Wednesday, January 16, 2019

We worry, we worry and we worry. We fret over missed opportunities and then miss other opportunities because we are too busy feeling sorry for ourselves that we do not see what is important is standing right in front of us. Social media is a collection of facades with the occasional truths. No one posts a missed credit card payment or an unemployment application. Selfies are taken as a chance for someone to see what others cannot. Love is real and even that can fade away should it be neglected and overlooked. Say I love you more often. Look behind you when you go through a doorway to see if someone is behind you so you can hold the door open for them. Stay sober for parties, you'll have more fun being yourself. Be patient, be patient, be patient. Respect yourself then you can respect others. Sing loudly, laugh often and keep your faith. Living for today doesn't mean being reckless, it means enjoying each person who surrounds you, accepting everyone and living in the present. Money comes and goes, people only come and go. Treasure them. Treasure yourself because you are someone else's treasure. Never lose hope and if you do, please get some help. This world is always better with you, even at your worst. Be truthful to yourself and to others, be forgiving and be loving. Words can heal, words can crush... Choose wisely. Express yourself, your true self. Not someone else's vision of who you should be. Don't just hug, embrace! Look into her eyes... Stop thinking and look into her eyes... So much beauty around us, yes there is a lot of ugliness too, but if you look, really look around and within your world, you will see that all the world is 99 percent beauty. Did you read this? What are your thoughts? #beauty #lessonforlife #teachingmyself #life #love #embraces #truth #writtenwordsInstagram

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